Glimpses of Mom at Thanksgiving

This past Thanksgiving holiday was one Mom would have been so happy about—her whole tribe was together which almost never happens these days. Her kids, grandkids, kids-in- laws , and great grandkids all together along with her youngest sister and her husband on Friday.

We took advantage of the time and did some cleaning, sorting and dividing up memories over the two days. It’s pretty remarkable to look back and remember your childhood. Of course there were things that were donated and some so badly damaged they were tossed but the night we went through her jewelry was heartwarming. The grandkids all got to choose what meant something to them and I am so thankful they were able to do that. What a blessing it was and I believe mom would had wanted it that way.

We gathered in her home for thanksgiving. That meant a lot to me because I felt her there with us laughing with us, crying with us, and probably wishing for a little bit of quiet. But family is it! Nothing more matters and this holiday gave me that message. Maybe it is my own aging or maturity but I didn’t always have that sense until today. As I donned the veil she and I both shared in our weddings, the legacy of love continues through her family as we all now have our own kids and her legacy continues to shape all of us. Thanks Mom!

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